How to use Irish Genealogy
Step 1: Go to Google and search for Irish Genealogy. It'll be your first option in your search results

Step 2: Type in the name that you are looking for. I tend to not put in any location or a date. When it brings you to a list of what records you wish to search by, the best choice would be civil records. Although you can search church records, it'll only give you a select few church records (but since compiling data for this post I have since found out from Stephanie at @youririshlineage - that there are church records on FindMyPast that have been omitted from Irish Genealogy's archives of records) The dioceses that they have on Irish Genealogy are as follows:
Carlow (Church of Ireland)*
Cork & Ross (Roman Catholic)*
Dublin (Church of Ireland)*
Dublin (Roman Catholic)*
Kerry (Church of Ireland)*
Kerry (Roman Catholic)*
* - will either appear as RC or COI
These are limited as they remain under the control of the Catholic Church. Only an individual bishop/archbishops have the power to decide what records will be released (if they choose to release any as well). Some of the parish registers availible online date back to 1600 for example St. Audeon's Church in Dublin however the dates vary widely across the collection.

Step 3: Solve the Captcha and then put in your first and last name and tick the box and submit and then you're done!
You'll then have to try and find your record in a place that you knew or think they grew up in and also a decade where they lived through. See my post on Civil Registration Districts below to help you with that. Drop a comment below to let me know your thoughts or what you'd like to see done on my website next! Stay tuned for more...
DISCLAIMER: When it comes to how far you can go back the maximum range that you can go back to are:
Births: 1864 to 1918
Marriages: 1864 to 1943
Deaths: 1878 to 1968
The irritating part is they apply a 100 year rule meaning the Irish government cannot release any Birth, Marriage or Death certificates under 100 years old. Irritating I get it... but that's because the Irish government had determined that those people whose records fall after the civil registration dates of 1918, 1943 & 1968 respectively, and who are living are entitled to a level of privacy online. All civil records can be found at the General Register Office (GRO) in Dublin.
Thanks to Jennifer at @eire_historian (on Instagram) for the fact-checking!