So if you’ve been following along with me on Twitter, you would’ve seen, I bought a DNA test, one for me & one for my mother. I’d ordered them on June 6th and they came six days later.
But every time, I had passed another stage of the process, I’d make sure to share an update. Many started to remember their excitement about testing as I kept updating people. I can see why. This is the latest update I received today [the 27th of June] but I’m told to expect it around June 30th, but if the speedy process is anything to go off of, it could very well be sooner, which is why I’m penning this.
Am I nervous? A little. But that could also double as excitement, the way I am seeing it is that DNA with genealogy is a sea of possibilities. It’s another avenue you can take your research down. What am I expecting to answer? Find some cousins that I couldn’t find with the paper trail. As for the ethnicity estimate, I’m at least 75% Irish [I say at least, because I don’t know about one of my grandparents] but it’s more than likely going to be closer to 100%…
Honestly, I’m just quite excited to see what can o’ worms this opens. Let’s see what it holds…
After all, there’s no going back now! :)
Good luck! I found the research of exploring my genetic history more interesting than the ethnicity estimates, though they helped. Of course, I was mildly shocked to discover my dad was not my biological father, & eventually figured out who he was. Currently working on my memoir called My Mother’s Ghosts, which I hope to finish by the end of the year.
It's amazing how we can go from being not overly concerned about doing the DNA test, to almost breathless anticipation once the process is under way: such a heady mix! I'm sure that whatever the results reveal, you will take it in your stride. Good luck!