Katelyn from "My Family Tree Online"
Hi all!
This is the first of my interviews. This would've gone under "My Posts!" but unfortunately when I was making the website I accidentally deleted the Categories section but if someone knows how to get it back again that'd be very much appreciated
But lets get into it!
My first interview is with Katelyn from "My Family Tree Online" (Page is linked at social icon at the top of the page!) and I asked her a few questions which might encourage you to start your genealogical journey today!
Q1. What got you into genealogy & how long have you been researching for?
"It was last year (July 2018) in my summer school US History class. We were talking about the four men who "built America", and my teacher brought up that he had some sort of relation with one of them. He then brought up Ancestry.com and DNA testing, which can tell if you're related to famous people of history and what not. I got home that very day, and began my research. Having already been a history nerd since I can remember, it was too easy to get addicted!"
Q2. What interesting things have you discovered about your ancestors?
"I've discovered some interesting and rather sad things about my ancestors, but I think one of the most interesting so far is that my Great Grandfather Chester was a drummer, womanizer, and bar-hopper back in his day. I also saw somewhere that one of my Great Uncle's - I don't know how many GREATS though - was born with his heart on the right side of his chest."
Q3. Who/What are you currently focusing on in your research?
"I kind of go back and forth with my lines on all sides of my family, but I stick to my Harkers' side. They're providing the most pictures out of all of them, and I'm so curious how my GG Grandmother coped with taking care of SIX CHILDREN with the loss of her husband."
Q4. Have you come across any difficulties while researching your family? (e.g. Conflicting sources)
"Oh, why yes I have. With all research comes messed up sources and documents. It's something that I've oftentimes managed to get around, thankfully."
Q5. What advice would you give to people wanting to start genealogy?
I'm a rookie myself, but I think my best piece of advice is DON'T FOLLOW THE LEAVES, and ALWAYS fact check, especially if it's word-of-mouth info, or on public trees on FamilySearch. Anybody can change/forgot anything, and it's best to have a story as factual and failproof as possible.
Big thank you to Katelyn for taking part. As I am still learning from other people I can definitely pick up plenty of tips from Katelyn & the people who are coming next. Stay tuned for more...