Now before you read this PLEASE read this amazing piece from Dr. Sophie Kay of Parchment Rustler.
Let’s face it, when it comes to accessibility in genealogy, I think we all can do better. I linked Sophie’s post as she talks about her own experience and where she thinks things can be improved.
When I read that (when it came out and tonight writing this) - it made me realise how much I wasn’t doing in making my content accessible to accommodate a wider audience. A few of the things I try to do is to add ALT text to images I post. One account I know that does this on Twitter / X (or whatever we’re calling it now) is the Society of One-Place Studies account. Every image has ALT text applied to it, accommodating all who view its content.
I will confess, I don’t tweet many images but try to add ALT text whenever I do. (Whenever GIFs are tweeted, it adds ALT text to it.)
One other example is when I was at the Bessborough commemoration back in June. I filmed all of the commemoration so people who were abroad could tune in. One thing I aimed to do (and did do) was ensure all of them had subtitles. [You can see those videos here]
But one place I feel I am lacking in making content accessible is my podcast, The Irish Genealogy Podcast. I was debating what was the best way of making transcripts of the episodes available. Looking at the transcription platforms that are out there, a lot of them are behind paywalls. However, Substack came out with a post today that has changed that. You can read that update here. [Although on an off-topic note, I do hope they add the ability to ‘listen to posts’ like Medium has in the future]
In short, they’re making transcriptions part of their platform allowing AI to transcribe podcast episodes! And you’re probably thinking, “But you don’t have your podcast on Substack?” You’re right. I don’t. Yet.
So, over the coming days - for the sake of accessibility, I will be uploading my podcast onto Substack and making the transcripts available.
I do have room to improve and I am hoping this little step might help!
[P.S. - please do read Sophie’s post — it’s brilliant.]
This is great. I've had great luck with my podcast here on Substack but I did not know about the AI transcription yet! I'll be making sure to follow through on that accessibility point!
Thank you, Daniel. Lots I didn't know here.