Welcome to my little corner of the internet!
My name is Daniel. I’ve been a genealogist for seven years now. My specialities are Irish genealogy and more recently, mother and baby homes. I’m also a podcaster (although, not as frequent unlike my writing here) and activist (also on the mother and baby homes side of things).
Welcome to my blog, the place where I talk about topics from genealogy to mother and baby homes to searching for my biological grandfather and much more!
All my links and contact info can be found here.
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If you’ve been pointed to this page, read this before subscribing so you get the most out of this. This email newsletter is divided into sections. To choose what you opt into, when you subscribe, you’ll receive a welcome email, go to the ‘Unsubscribe’ button to choose what you want to receive emails for. Currently, it has 3 sections:
Dan’s ThinkTank which are the usual blog posts that I write.
Project Infant Updates is the new home for any news about Project Infant - the old newsletter was made redundant on July 6th, 2024 and merged with this one, so it’s easier to maintain & manage.
The third is my podcast: The Irish Genealogy Podcast where you can get newsletters (with transcripts) sent to your inbox. I don’t use chat threads, so no need to opt into those.