Daniel, I can’t speak for any given locality, but I know our own family was touched by this distortion over 70 years ago when my own mother gave up a baby to adoption. The circumstances were about as gracious might be imaginable, but times were different and mom wouldn’t talk about it out of a shame instilled by her parents. I’m deeply grateful for a series of coincidences that made it possible for my sister to reach out to connect. I agree with you, this information belongs to adult adoptees. Everywhere.
Daniel, I can’t speak for any given locality, but I know our own family was touched by this distortion over 70 years ago when my own mother gave up a baby to adoption. The circumstances were about as gracious might be imaginable, but times were different and mom wouldn’t talk about it out of a shame instilled by her parents. I’m deeply grateful for a series of coincidences that made it possible for my sister to reach out to connect. I agree with you, this information belongs to adult adoptees. Everywhere.