This time of year I tend to focus on new goals and don’t think about what I’ve accomplished. I think that’s a GenX trait (lol) or maybe it’s just a “me” trait. But I think you’re on to something: taking a moment to reflect on all the good work we’ve done is vital ... after all, without those reflections how can we make the right goals for the next year.

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Hi Daniel. Thanks for a good read. In terms of your questions:

1) Blogging takes a while to build up an audience - 6mos minimum to see any kind of result and then it can take another 1-2 years from there to really get going. The key is patience, not so much the platform.

2) My immediate family has an odd set of birthdays - my late father was born on April Fool's Day (but he was a brilliant electrical engineer, no fool there!); my mother was born the day after Christmas, and my sibling and I were born on the same day, 3 hours and 3 years apart. I haven't met any other family like us so far!

Happy Christmas to you and your family.


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